Friday 13 March 2015

Top Of The Hocks!- Friday 13th March 2015


Hello everyone! Welcome to this weeks "Top Of The Hocks!". This is the 4th post in the series! Do remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, it would be lovely to hear from you all!

Now for this weeks "Top Of The Hocks!"

1) Website Of The Week

This week we are going to go for Lux Life. This is Anna's lovely best friend Catherine's blog. Lux Life is a lifestyle blog where Catherine let's you know all about her snazzy London life!! Catherine is a very successful blogger and rightly so, she is brilliant!

2) Song Of The Week

This week we have decided to honour one of the best performers and song writers of all time, Sir Elton John! We are going to go for the song Tiny Dancer. Why? Well because it is one of the best songs ever written. The lyrics are just beautiful.

3) Image Of The Week

This lovely picture of our little Rosie dressed as Princess Anna from Frozen for Comic Relief Day in School! She was so excited!

4) YouTube Video Of The Week

This week we have decided to go with this video from PetesJams. We have been watching alot of PetesJams this week and he really makes us chuckle! We hope he makes you feel the same!

5) Quote Of The Week

6) Funniest Hocks Moment Of The Week

It would have to be Anna receiving this hilarious picture from Allan when he was away working in Sheffield! "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt...."

7) App Of The Week

This week we are going for good old fashioned Candy Crush! Still as addictive as ever!

8) TV Programme Of The Week

Well considering it's Red Nose Day today let's say Comic Relief! It is always guaranteed to be a brilliant night of television and all for a fantastic cause! Click here to donate to Comic Relief, rememver, every little helps!

9) Film Of The Week

This week we have decided to go for a classic Disney film. It was hard to choose just one as every single Disney film is amazing, however, because Rosie has been watching it this week we will go for Aladdin! As we said last week "you are never too old for a Disney movie".

10) Hocks a Memory Of The Week

This week we are going for Anna and Allans first holiday abroad together! This was the year before Rosie was born and they went to Santa Eulalia in Ibiza. They had a wonderful week and very much hope to take Rosie there one day!