Wednesday 6 January 2016

Christmas & New Year

Hey Everybody, firstly - Happy New Year! And we hope you like our New Look!

2015 was a very interesting one for us Hocks! It started in January with us starting this blog and we are made up that over the year it had over 15,000 Views - For that we want to say Thank You

We have recently had to review the time we spend on the blog due to Work constraints but we think from now on we should be able to do at least one post per week. This weeks will all be about what we did for Christmas and New Year - So lets get started!

on 17th December Rosie celebrated her 5th birthday - a few days before that she had a Christmas themed birthday party! Here are some pictures from her day!

On Her actual birthday the whole family gathered at +Frankie & Benny's for a meal. Food wasn't great but Rosie had an amazing time which is all that truly mattered! Again here are a few images from that!

A few Days Later and it was Anna's turn to celebrate a birthday then before we knew it came Christmas Eve! 

A group of us gathered at Anna & Allan's house where a lovely spread was put on including Anna's delicious Lasagne! Rosie was delighted with her special Christmas Eve box which contained new pyjamas, A new story book and much more! The family had a laugh and a good time before everyone apart from Allan, Anna & Rosie headed round to Lynne & Eifion's house where they were kindly hosted for 2 nights! Here's more pictures, this time from Christmas Eve!

On Christmas Eve Rosie remembered when she went to see Father Christmas with +Catherine Lux (Her God Mother) and her mum in Chester earlier in December  and told everyone exactly what she had asked him for - Here she was that day!

After a good nights sleep it was time for Rosie to see if she had been a good girl this year and see if Father Christmas had delivered her any presents - Fair to see she was a good girl and he did! Here is the proof!

Meanwhile, Round at Lynne and Eifion's we were all being treated to a lovely breakfast and Tommy particularly was in festive spirit wearing this t shirt! 

This year we broke with tradition with special thanks from all the family to Tommy -  he generously paid for 10 of us to go out for Christmas Dinner! 

After much deliberation we booked to go The Alyn which is a beautiful Country Pub by the canal in Rossett - the menu was a good selection and Eifion had said he had never had a bad meal in there! 

We have to say the Food and the service was absolutely brilliant and everybody enjoyed a really nice meal in a comfortable setting. All the food was hot and beautiful, we were in no way rushed and the atmosphere was fantastic. Here are pictures from our time at The Alyn

Once we were finished in The Alyn all 10 of us headed back to Lynne & Eifion's where Rosie got presents from the family as did the rest of us. 

Allan, Anna & Colin surprised Michelle, Lynne, Tommy & Eifion with a joint present between all 4 of them - A day in the premier stand including access to the Champagne Bar at the first race meeting of the year at Chester Racecourse in May - we did not have tickets so did this to give to each of them at the same time.

It seemed to go down very well as that very same night they booked themselves into a hotel in Chester for the same night and agreed to go somewhere for a meal after the races!

Colin, Anna, Allan and Rosie got quite a lot of money as well as other gifts as we had asked for the money to pay for us to go to +Center Parcs UK. We had already paid our deposit to go for 7 nights (Yes 7 nights we just cannot wait!) to Sherwood Forest at the end of April - this will be different though as it will just be the 4 of us! We will build up to this holiday in a post next week where we are going to reveal our best and worst moments of all our holidays at Centre Parcs!

Back to Christmas Day and after all the present opening we all headed round to Lynne's Sisters house around the corner for an hour or so but due to Rosie not feeling too well didn't stay too long. Allan, Anna and Rosie headed home and the rest of us were treated to a little buffet made by Lynne

Boxing Day saw a few of us go into Wrexham to look at the sales then we all headed back to our own homes. Altogether it was a beautiful, relaxed and wonderful Christmas.

New Year saw Lynne and Eifion go to their friends as hey do each year and im sure they got very merry. Allan, Anna, Rosie and of course Milo came to Southport for New year and after an early meal at the R Diner on Ocean Plaza on Southport Seafront we headed back home to some brilliant fireworks, a game of Articulate and watched the amazing firework display from London on the TV.

So that was our festive season! Christmas is our favourite time of the year and we love that all the family spend it together and have so much fun! 

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too - tell us about it if you like in the comments section as we love hearing other peoples stories of the festive season!

Once Again - Thank you for your support in 2015 and we truly do wish every single person who reads this a very Prosperous and Happy 2016