Thursday 4 June 2015

Gran Canaria 2015!

Image result for gran canaria logo

Hello Everyone, Anna here!

As you may already know, in the early hours of Tuesday morning, Allan, Rosie, My Mum (Lynne), My Dad (Eifion) and I arrived back home from an AMAZING 11 day holiday in the absolutely beautiful Gran Canaria! We had such a wonderful time and naturally I thought I would tell you guys all about it!.. So here goes!..

Thursday 21st May

We all excitedly got a mini bus to Manchester Airport for our flight to Gran Canaria! It was Rosie's first time flying so she was extra excited! When we arrived at the airport and went to check in, our excitement was shattered when we were informed by Thomas Cook that they had sat us all separately on the plane! Now, this might not have been too bad, however, they had sat Rosie completely on her own at the front of the plane in the middle of 2 complete strangers miles away from any of us. Just ridiculous! How on earth they thought sitting a 4 year old on her own for a 4 hour flight was appropriate I will never know! Naturally, we complained about this and told them it wasn't happening and after lots of snotty looks and being made to feel like a complete pain in the arse by the woman on check in, she managed to sit Rosie and I next to each other with the aisle between us, Rosie was still sat next to 2 complete strangers though! Luckily, once we got on the plane a lovely couple sat next to my Mum offered to swap with us so we could sit next to her. Thank You nice couple! On the way back, we had to pay 13 euros per person to ensure we were sat next to each other, complete rip off! Also on the way back, we saw that they had done the same thing to another family and had put a 2 year old on her own, TWO YEARS OLD! SHOCKING! Unfortunately, they hadn't been able to find a seat for her next to her mother so she had to sit on her knee for the whole 4 hour flight home, not fair at all, especially with the flight home being a late night flight. Safe to say we will not be using Thomas Cook again, the staff on check in were rude, the flight attendants were rude and the plane uncomfortable. Such a shame as the rest of the holiday was fantastic!

Anyway, we landed in Gran Canaria at around 7pm, collected our bags and made our way by coach to our fabulous hotel, Gloria Palace Amadores.

Gloria Palace Amadores is located between the stunning beaches of Puerto Rico and Amadores, Gloria Palace Amadores Hotel is built on a cliff top and is built into the landscape, giving you amazing views over the ocean from every part of the hotel. It one of the most popular hotels on the Island. Amadores is a growing tourism area belonging to the municipality of Mogán, just 1 km from the popular area of Puerto Rico and 18 km from “Little Venice”, the name by which the town of Puerto de Mogán is affectionately known.

There are two very beautiful beaches nearby which we visited lots on our holiday. Playa de Amadores, a 15 minute walk away is a calm, white-sand beach with crystal-clear water, ideal for relaxing. The other is a more lively beach in Puerto Rico which was a 5 minute stroll from the hotel.

We arrived at the hotel at about 9pm and were greeted by the friendliest staff I've ever come across in a hotel. Every single member of staff we came across were just wonderful. They all made us feel like part of the family and adored Rosie! As we were all inclusive we were given our wristbands and were told that we were still in time for dinner if we wanted to visit the restaurant. We decided to go for a small bite to eat before bed so went up to our rooms to put our bags away. When we opened the doors to our stunning rooms we were greeted by a big fruit basket, 2 bottles of champagne per room and this view from the balcony.....

It is very safe to say that we definitely didn't get tired of that view!

After putting our bags away and having a good look around our rooms we made our way down to the restaurant. Being all inclusive, it was a buffet style restaurant which served all sorts of food from around the world. It also had a separate childrens buffet. The food was lovely (dad wasn't too impressed but this wasn't really because he didn't like the food, it was more because he likes to visit restaurants and be waited on, snob lol) and the whole time we were there we hardly came across the same food twice, there was really so much choice! After eating we were all shattered so decided to go straight to bed ready for the holiday and day ahead!

Friday 22nd May

On the Friday we all had a bit of a lie in then went down for a late breakfast. The breakfast was a buffet style breakfast and it was delicious, even Dad liked it! There was everything you could think of from fresh fruit to a full cooked breakfast. Rosie took a liking to the fresh fruit and the chocolate donuts yumyum! We all particularly liked the freshly cooked churros with nutella, can safely say the diet was off for this holiday lol!


After breakfast we had a good look around the hotel as it had been dark when we arrived the night before. We were seriously impressed, particularly with the infinite pools overlooking the sea, bliss!


After having a good nosey around the hotel we decided to take a stroll down to Puerto Rico Beach. Rosie and Allan had a play in the sea whilst we sat on the sand watching them. It was so lovely to see Rosie and Allan having quality time together, he works away from home so much so times like this are extra special for us.


After an hour or so at the beach we all walked back up to the hotel and had some lunch. After lunch, Mum and Dad walked down to Amadores Beach for a walk whilst Allan, Rosie and I went to the pool. Rosie absolutely loved the pool and spent the afternoon splashing around and giggling at the top of her lungs! Unfortunately, she loved it a bit too much and had a bit of a tantrum when it was time to get out to get ready for dinner, meaning she didn't get to go in the pool the next day. It worked though as we had no more tantrums getting out the rest of the week!

When we eventually got Rosie out of the pool, we went upstairs to get ready then went for dinner. After dinner we made our way down to the Bar area where there was a childrens disco on each evening from 8pm until 9pm. After the disco each evening there was a form of entertainment. This evening it was a fashion show and an acrobatic dance act, who I must say were very good!

By 11pm Rosie was starting to nod off so we decided to call it a night and headed up to bed!

Saturday 23rd May

On Saturday we got up a bit earlier than the day before and went for an earlier breakfast. As Rosie wasn't allowed in the pool that day due to the fuss she had made getting out the day before we decided to go for another trip to Puerto Rico Beach. Dad had a headache that day so decided to go for a lie down whilst Allan, Rosie, Mum and I went. We bought a bucket, spade and ball and spent hours just lying around and playing on the beach, it was so hot and so much fun!

After spending hours playing on the beach we walked back up to the hotel to meet Dad who's headache was much better. We went for a late lunch then had a lazy few hours on the balcony looking out at the sea, we made a habit of this and ended up doing it almost every afternoon, it was so relaxing just sat listening to the waves and looking out at the crystal clear water!

After our lazy few hours we got ready and went down for dinner. After dinner we went down to the bar area again for the childrens disco. This evenings entertainment was a singing duo, lets just say they weren't as good as the act the night before.... lol!

Sunday 24th May

On Sunday we had a lovely lie in and a late breakfast. As Rosie hadn't been allowed to go in the pool the day before, we decided to make Sunday a lazy day in the hotel. We just spend the whole day around the pool where Rosie became very confident in the water, even taking her armbands off!

After a lazy day by the pool, we got out and went up to our room for a few hours before getting ready and going down for dinner again!

After dinner we had our usual evening in the bar area where Rosie enjoyed the disco. That evenings act was flamenco dancers but we didn't see these as Rosie was ready for bed early! Mum and Dad said they weren't bad at all though!

Monday 25th May

On Monday we got up bright and early, went down for an early breakfast then walked into Puerto Rico to catch the glass bottomed ferry into Mogan.

Puerto de Mogán is an area with a marine tradition and because of its unique setting and natural beauty it has evolved into one of the most beautiful urban settlements of the Canary Islands. The marina has 225 moorings and is an excellent sailing spot, making the port of Mogan an unforgettable place. 

When we arrived a Mogan we were taken aback by the beauty of the place. It was just stunning. The buildings were all painted white with different colours around the windows and doors and everywhere you looked there were beautiful flowers. Not the mention the crystal clear water which you could see all the different fish swimming around. I know it sounds cheesy but it was as if we had just entered a secret little world. It was a place we will never forget and we hope to go back there for a holiday sometime in the future.


After spending a good few hours walked around stunning Mogan we got on the ferry back to Puerto Rico and walked back up to the hotel where we had a late lunch in the pool bar then went back to our rooms for a lazy few hours on the balcony again!

After a lazy few hours and a little nap we went down for dinner and to the bar for the disco and entertainment. That evenings entertainment was a parrot show. It was so good! The parrots were so clever and their trainer was really funny!

Tuesday 26th May

On Tuesday we had a nice lie in and a late breakfast. After breakfast we all took the 15 minute stroll down to Amadores Beach. When we arrived at the beach we couldn't get over how beautiful it was. It was like being in the Caribbean. The sand was so white and the water was so blue and crystal clear. We have never seen a beach like it.

After having a look at the beach we decided to go for a game of crazy golf. It was only 3 euros each and we got to play 18 holes so it was an absolute bargain! Allan got a hole in 1 which we haven't heard the end of since! Rosie won but only because she put her ball right next to the hole each time haha!


After our game of crazy golf we went for a nice cold drink as it was boiling then walked back to the beach and spent an hour playing in the sea and sitting on the sand.

After a lovely relax on the beach, we strolled back to the hotel slowly, making some friends on the way...!

When we got back to the hotel we went for a late lunch at the pool bar the went up to our rooms for a few hours. Rosie went in my Mum and Dads room with them whilst Allan and I took some cocktails and played scrabble on the balcony, it was so much fun and lovely to spend some time together!

We got ready and went down for dinner then to the bar for the disco. When we arrived we saw that there was lots of little stalls outside around the pool so whilst Rosie danced with the other children Allan and I went to have a look at them and bought Michelle a lovely coral necklace which the man painted in front of us! We went back inside for the entertainment which was a female singer. She had a lovely voice but unfortunately her microphone wasn't working properly. We had an early night as Rosie couldn't keep her eyes open!

Wednesday 27th May

On Wednesday we had a night out planned so we decided to spend the day by the pool again. Allan and Rosie had a great time splashing around with the rubber ring!

After a day getting a tan by the pool (well, Allan and Rosie did anyway!) we went up to our rooms to get ready for our night out then headed down to the hotel reception to wait for our coach to pick us up.

Our coach picked us up and we made our way to our night out.. Music Hall Tavern, or MHT for short.

Music Hall Tavern is a comedy drag show. It is family friendly and more than welcomes little ones! MHT promise to give you the funniest night of your holiday, and boy do they deliver! When we first arrived we were greeted by one of the "ladies" who had a body any woman would die for! "She" sold us our programme and showed us into the venue where we had drink to start off the evening. Included in the price of your ticket is a 3 course meal and unlimited drinks whilst you are eating. We took our seats at our table and the meal started with a lovely homemade vegetable soup and crusty bread for the adults and garlic bread for the children. The main course was Chicken in a mushroom sauce with homemade chunky chips and vegetables followed by vienetta ice cream for dessert. The meal, although very 70s was perfectly tasty and very well cooked. The best part was the waiters coming around filling your glasses up all the way through the meal, getting everyone good and tipsy ready for the show! Of course, the kiddies were on soft drinks!

Once everyone had finished eating, the show started. Now I can safely say I have never laughed so much on a night out in my life. We all agreed that it was the best night of the holiday. The "ladies" were just so so funny and the show was so cleverly written. It was typical British humour and there were lots of cheeky innuendos which the adults all found absolutely hilarious but the kids had no idea what they meant. It was really just brilliant. If you ever go to Gran Canaria we thoroughly recommend it, you will not be disappointed!


By the time the show finished it was gone midnight so we made our way back on the coach to the hotel. Unfortunately we had 2 drunk idiots on our coach who decided to start fighting. This meant it was gone 2am by the time we got to bed!

Thursday 28th May

On Thursday we had a lie in and a very late breakfast due to the late night the night before! After breakfast we decided to walk to Puerto Rico and get the bus somewhere. When we arrived at the bust station we decided to go to Mogan again as we had enjoyed it so much the first time!

It was a lovely bus ride to Mogan, it took about half an hour and it meant we got to see lots of Gran Canaria on the way! When we arrived at Mogan we went for a walk through the main town and had a look at all the locals houses. I must say, I'm seriously jealous of the people who get to live in that stunning place full time!

After our walk around the town we decided to have lunch in the marina before getting the ferry back into Puerto Rico.


Once we got back to Puerto Rico we made our way slowly back to the hotel where we got ready to go down for dinner. After dinner we went down to the bar for the disco and entertainment (I cant remember what it was that night so it couldn't have been that good lol!).

Friday 29th May

On the Friday we decided  to have one last pool day! We spent the day by the pool, had a late lunch at the pool bar then went back to our rooms where we played scrabble on the balcony again!

We went down for dinner then to the bar for the disco and entertainment. The entertainment was a boyband who unfortunately pretty rubbish! Rosie was shattered from all the swimming so we went up to our room where Rosie went to sleep and Allan and I drank some cocktails on the balcony! Friday was a very lazy day!

Saturday 30th May

On Saturday Mum and Dad had booked a VIP tour day around the island. They were picked up at 7.45am and were whisked off for a whole day touring the island. They had a 3 course lunch and got to see the whole island, they loved it!

As Rosie is a little bit too young to enjoy a day touring the island Allan and I decided to take her to Palmitos Park.
Palmitos Park is the biggest and best zoological and botanical park on the island. It includes birds, reptiles, an aquarium, a lovely restaurant and so much more.

Logo de Palmitos Park
We walked to Puerto Rico bus station and got on the bus to Palmitos Park. The bus stops right outside the entrance and it takes about an hour to get from Puerto Rico to the park, this really isn't a chore though as you get to see so much on the way! When we arrived we were greeted by a lovely lady who gave us our tickets.

We spent a few hours walking around the park looking at all the animals and displays.


After looking around the park for a few hours we decided to head to the restaurant and treat ourselves to lunch as we had read some great things about it on trip advisor! The reviews were right, the meal was absolutely delicious, the portions huge and the bill seriously reasonable for what we got!


After our scrummy lunch we headed to the Dolphinarium ready for the Dolphin show. I know a lot of people disagree with Dolphin shows but I can honestly say these Dolphins were so happy and really appeared to love every second of what they were doing. The trainers also appeared to love the Dolphins so so much.


Much to Rosie's delight, we decided to treat her even more (hey, what are holidays for!) and we took her to meet and have her picture taken with the Dolphins after the show! Honestly, to see her little face light up like that was one of the best moments of my life!

After meeting the Dolphins we had another walk around the park before picking up our photos and heading back to Puerto Rico on the bus. Once we got back to Puerto Rico we strolled back to the hotel and had some drinks in the bar whilst we waited for Mum and Dad to get back from their trip.

That evening, Rosie went to dinner and to the disco with my Mum and Dad whilst Allan and I had some drinks together and ordered room service for dinner! It was so lovely to have a day spending quality time with my two :).

Sunday 31st May

Sunday was our last full day and night in Gran Canaria BOOHOOOOOOOOOO! We decided to take a walk into Puerto Rico and have a proper look around because although we had been to the beach and walked to the bus station there a few times we hadn't actually had a proper look around the town. We walked the quite long walk to the main centre of Puerto Rico, looked around the shops and went to a bar for drinks before walking back to the hotel. When we got back to the hotel we were all shattered as it was a very hot day! We went up to the pool bar for a light lunch then went up to our rooms for a few hours to take advantage of our last afternoon being able to see those amazing views from the balcony.

That evening we decided to go out for a dinner considering it was the last night of the holiday, Dad spent some time on Trip Advisor looking for a restaurant for us to go to. He found a Greek Restaurant called Rhodos Palace that was only a 10 minute walk from our hotel that had excellent reviews so we decided to give it a go!

Wow are we glad we did! We walked into the restaurant and were greeted by one of the owners (her husband was the chef!) . She was so incredibly warm and friendly and instantly made us feel like members of her family that were eating in her own home! She informed us that everything Rosie had to eat and drink would be free of charge which was such a lovely gesture .When we sat down she brought the menus over and gave Rosie lots of kisses on the head, she was just lovely. When we opened the menu we couldn't choose what to have, everything just looked SO delicious! We decided on a platter of starters to share to start. It was definitely the right choice, the hummus was to die for! For mains I had Pork Souvlaki, Allan had the Rhodos Platter consisting of all their different meats, Mum had Stuffed Chicken in a Greek Sauce, Dad had Beef Stifado and Rosie had Chicken in a homemade crumb. We couldn't get over how delicious all our meals were, we all ended up tasting each others and it was all so wonderfully cooked and presented. After a break we all ordered our desserts. Mum and I had crepes filled with ice cream and warm blueberry jelly and Allan and Dad both went for Baklava. WOW! They were so yummy!

We were all gutted when the meal came to an end and had to leave, we felt so at home there! Before we left we each got a complementary Greek Liqueur which was lovely and as we left we each got a huge kiss and hug from the owner. Rhodos Palace certainly know how to run a restaurant and if you ever visit Gran Canaria we highly recommend a meal there.

When we got back to the hotel Rosie was very tired so we decided to give the bar a miss and take our drinks back up to our rooms and drank our cocktails on the balcony whilst looking out at the sea one last time.

Monday 1st June

Monday was home day :( Our coach wasn't picking us up until 6pm as we had a late night flight so we decided to check out and visit our beautiful Mogan one last time. We left the cases in reception and walked down to Puerto Rico to get the ferry. When we got to Mogan we had one last walk around before heading to a restaurant for our last lunch! Allan and Dad had wanted Paella the whole holiday so decided to share one. I ordered pasts, mum had seafood salad and Rosie had homemade pizza. Unfortunately they had a problem in the kitchen and only had one person cooking so the food took a while to come out, but when it did, my goodness was it worth the wait! The chef brought out the paella and apologised for the wait and gave us all free drinks, he was really lovely. The Paella was seriously impressive, the seafood was so fresh and the pasta sauce was definitely homemade. It really was worth waiting for and was a wonderful end to a wonderful holiday.


After lunch it was sadly time to head back to the hotel and wait for our coach to pick us up for the airport. The coach picked us up and we made the long journey to the airport. Unfortunately the flight home was late at night, cramped up and Dad was coming down with a cold so we can safely say it was an uncomfortable one!

We arrived in Manchester at 1.30am to freezing heavy wind and rain, not the welcome home we would have liked! We picked up our bags and got our taxi home to bed.

I really can say that we all thoroughly enjoyed Gran Canaria, it was such a wonderful place and we would all love to go back again one day. If you are thinking about booking a holiday and are unsure where to go I wouldn't hesitate in recommending it, you wont be disappointed it is a truly wonderful place.

Allan, Rosie and I would like to say a MASSIVE Thank You to my Mum and Dad for treating us to such a memorable holiday, we really are so grateful.

Bye Bye Gran Canaria.. For Now!