Monday 2 February 2015

Simple Slimming Suppers!- Monday 2nd Feb 2015


Hello Everyone!, Welcome to this weeks Simple Slimming Suppers!

This week was my 4th weigh in since starting the Slimming World diet. This week I lost either 2lbs or 3lbs, I can't say for definite because the scales keep alternating between the 2!! That will teach me to keep getting back on the scales to double check! I'm very guilty of becoming a bit obsessed with the scales and weighing myself every day, more than once! This week my goal is to not get on the scales until my weigh day, then when I do, accept the first number that shows up! So, because I'm not sure whether I lost 2lbs or 3lbs I will go in the middle and say I have lost 2 1/2lbs. Making that 1st 1/2lb in 4 weeks. Pretty pleased with that!! I do believe that I could have possibly lost a bit more this week however I haven't been feeling too well so haven't done as much excercise as I could have and we also had an indian takeaway on Saturday night because I wasn't in the mood for cooking. I chose the best option off the menu and had grilled tandoori meat with salad and boiled rice, however I'm sure it had hidden syns! But hey we all have to have a treat once in a while and it could have been worse! I'm just happy I lost my stone! 

This week, Colin lost 2lbs making that 5lbs in the 4 weeks. He told me he was surprised to have lost anything because he hadn't been as strict with his diet this week however, the extra excercise must be working and he ended up losing more this week than he did last week! Well done Colin!

The biggest achievement this week however goes to Allan! This week he lost 5lbs!! That has doubled his weight loss now making it -10lbs in 4 weeks! Awesome! The main thing that Allan was struggling with was sticking to his diet when he is in work. He works away from home during the week so would just go out every day and buy a sandwich and a packet of crisps or something similar for his lunch every day. However, for the past few weeks he has been making sure he takes a mug shot for lunch each day (these are great for him as they're a free food on slimming world and they don't need to be kept chilled so won't go off in the car when he is doing his long journeys) and he has also been taking a huge Tupperware full of apples, bananas and satsumas so that he has something to snack on during the day in work. This has obviously worked very well and along with his very active week in work it has meant that he has had a wonderful loss this week! He is very proud of himself and rightly so, however, not as proud as I am of him!! Go Allan!

Now for my recipe of the week. As I mentioned earlier, I haven't been feeling 100% this week and last night we just wanted some nice comfort food, but without having to feel guilty after! So I searched the Internet and came across this fantastic little recipe, KFC Style Chicken with Chips and Coleslaw, Slimming World Style! There were a few different recipes so I just tweaked them to our taste, and I have to say it turned out absolutely beautiful! It is a little bit more time consuming than some recipes but it is well worth it! It felt very naughty and you felt like you were really having a naughty treat. It was definitely a treat, but certainly not a naughty one!

Slimming World Friendly Coleslaw!


1 bag of coleslaw mix (sachet of full fat Mayo that is included removed)
2 tbsp Hellmanns Lighter Than Light Mayonnaise (1 syn)
4 tbsp Fat Free Natural Yogurt
Pinch of Salt
Pinch of Pepper



1) Empty the bag of coleslaw mix into a large mixing bowl and remove the sachet of full fat mayonnaise that is included.

2) Add the 2 tbsps of Lighter Than Light Mayo, 4 tbsps of Fat Free Natural Yogurt, Salt and Pepper.


3) Mix all the ingredients together until the coleslaw veg is completely covered with the Mayo and Yogurt. If it is too dry just add some more Mayo (1 syn per tablespoon) or Yogurt until it is to your liking.


Slimming World KFC Style Chicken!


1 packet of Chicken Goujons (or 2 chicken breasts cut into strips)
2 Slices of Wholemeal Bread (Healthy Extra B or 4 syns each, we used it as our healthy extras)
1 teaspoon of Dried Oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons of Garlic Salt
1/2 teaspoon of Dried Ginger
1/2 teaspoon of Dried Chilli Flakes
Pinch of Black Pepper
1 Egg



1) Turn your oven on to 200. Tear bread into strips and put into a food processor along with all the spices.


2) Blend the bread and spices until they turn to breadcrumbs and empty the breadcrumbs out into a shallow dish.


3) Beat the egg in a bowl. Take a chicken goujon and coat it in the egg mixture.


4) Take the chicken goujon out of the egg mixture and transfer it to the dish of breadcrumbs, coat the goujon with breadcrumbs until you can no longer see any chicken showing through. Place goujon into an ovenproof dish.


5) Repeat this process with all the goujons.


6) Put the chicken into the oven. Cook for 20 minutes. Take chicken out of the oven, turn over then put back into oven for a further 15-20 minutes, or until fully cooked and crispy.

7) Take the chicken out of the oven and serve immediately with the coleslaw and Slimming World chips (you can find the recipe for these in my first Simple Slimming Suppers post). Sit back, relax and enjoy!


We both thoroughly enjoyed this recipe and I will definitely be making it again! It felt really indulgent and was seriously filling, but without feeling any guilt afterwards!!

Simple Slimming Suppers will be slightly different next week. There will be no weigh in updates as Allan and I are going away so will not be here to weigh ourselves. I will however, still do a recipe post in advance which Colin will publish for me on Monday. It will all be back to normal the week after and I will update you on our weight then (hopefully losses if we haven't been too naughty on our little trip away! Lol).

Thank you for reading and as always if you have any Slimming World Recipes that you would like to share, please do! 

Much Love,
Anna xx