Saturday, 18 July 2015

Its Saturday!

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to an extra post this week! Firstly, we want to say a huge thank you to +Epilepsy Research UK for sharing our blog post with all their Fans and Followers, I know Anna is absolutely delighted that #epilepsy is starting to be talked about by people and if her post has helped 1 person understand epilepsy more then her objective will have been achieved!

Now, Why the Extra post I hear you ask? Well I want to explain what the hocks are up to this coming week.

We are all off, yes, all 8 of us, to +Center Parcs UK #WhinfellForest early on Monday Morning and for that reason the regular blog posts will not be published next week at all.

But do not worry as The Hocks are trying something a little different and we will be Vlogging! For those that don't know what that is it is where we will post a video on YouTube about our time in Whinfell Forest. 

The reason we have decided to do this is because we watch the Vlogs from +geoffnotjeff and +Anna Brim when they have been and have really enjoyed them and so we have decided as neither of these have vlogged from Whinfell we would give it a go!

So each day we are there we will record ourselves and take pictures and videos of what we do and we will post them late evening every evening, Fridays Vlog however may appear on the Saturday as we will be travelling home.

So, to watch these Vlogs all you need to do is head over to +YouTube Search for "The Hocks" Find our channel which has the picture below as its profile and then in to top right hand corner click Subscribe!

We hope you will enjoy these Vlogs and we hope they allow you to see why we love Whinfell Forest so much and the whole Center Parcs Ethos. We also hope it will allow you to get to know us all even more after our Getting to Know series was so popular.

You can also Keep on eye on The Hocks Facebook Page - and The Hocks Twitter Page - 

So, the next time we speak to you on here will be after our holiday, but we look forward to speaking to you in our Vlogs in the meantime!